U.S. Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., would be comfortable with eliminating the 2nd Amendment entirely, meaning that government could ban – even confiscate – any sort of a gun from citizens.
That’s according to a video released by O’Keefe Media Group, which dispatched an undercover reporter to talk to – and record – special assistant Luke Borwegan, whose assignment, he says, is basically to be between Fetterman and other staff members.
Borwegan is the aide who carries around an iPad programmed to transcribe audio – so the senator can read what others say.
It’s one of the multiple issues that have arisen since Fetterman suffered a stroke during his campaign.“You’re not quoting me,” Borwegan warns during the interview. Luke Borwegan (Video screenshot) He describes how Fetterman, who he reports owns multiple guns himself, would “like probably” be comfortable with “overturning the Second Amendment.”“He’s 100% for gun control … banning automatic rifles … red […]
Excerpt Sourced From: redwave.press