They no longer deny censoring. They have shifted tactics. Now they defend censorship as a policy in the national interest. They are merely stamping out disinformation, misinformation, and malinformation—strange words applied to any thought or idea disliked by government.
And they are furious that a federal judge in Louisiana has called them out, issuing an injunction to stop all contacts between government agencies and social media companies. They are livid about this because they had come to believe that the First Amendment was a dead letter already. What do we mean by all these plural pronouns? The “them” and “they” in this case consist of the unelected bureaucrats at agencies and their mainstream media mouthpieces. All the usual suspects have come out swinging while condemning the remarkable injunction from Missouri v. Biden as nothing more than a conservative plot.
They keep telling us that the judge was appointed by Trump (therefore […]
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